Hey all i was scammed by some one can any one help me ......

08/25/2010 02:23 kaipa#1
Hey all plz can any one tell me....
i give some one id and password :( cause i have the e-mail and he scammed me and change the e-mail i don't know how he don't have the answer of the question plzzzz!!!!
can any one help me and return the acc to me
i heard that there is prog called popup if any one talk to me at pm then i can know his acc

thats right ????? :rolleyes::rolleyes:
08/25/2010 08:17 -TaZzy-#2
You have to send a Ticket to the Support.
08/25/2010 19:40 ​strYker#3


we can't help you with this