I need Help....

12/15/2006 03:48 Deja*vu#1
I got scammed by some guy okaii n i lost my bow few mins ago my only bow given to me by a friend..... so i decided to become a miner downloaded 8 in 1 pack bot was full of viruses! my computer got infected fixed the problem. I need a Mining bot thats easy to use and work, so if you know about a good one please post.!!! TYVM
12/15/2006 03:50 Mokujin#2
....sigh ill be nice
There is no bots right now..after the new pacth they stopped working..so u will just have to wait like everyone else for one K
12/15/2006 03:51 Deja*vu#3
Okaii tyvm. when one come out can someone please lemme know! sux to eb a newbie like me but i real like this game n ppl been ruining it for me!
12/15/2006 03:58 ImSnobby#4
scam them back.

btw atleast he actually asked in the right forum lol
12/15/2006 04:05 Deja*vu#5
lol i dun scam ppl not right if i never liked it when someone did it to me the other person wouldn't likeit if someone did it to them!
12/15/2006 04:11 Pindle#6
No offense or anything, but I think you should've tried CO without using hacks first ^^.
12/15/2006 05:05 howaboutno#7
Being a miner right now is ill advised, due to the reduction in gem mining rates.

We still don't have a clear picture of how bleak the mining outlook has become.

As new bots become availiable after patch 4333, you can find links to them in the main threads in Main and Exploit forum (Threads entitled 'working hacks as of ...' or 'what currently works after patch 4333)