Zodiac Dupe Method

07/18/2010 08:00 naphy#1

I just want to run a sample to duplicate the ZODIAC pet on <Possiedon> server
If any one have zodiac pet and willing to cooperate with me. you can put your IGN here so i can pm you in game.

Thanks hope someone will help me with this one.
07/18/2010 11:56 thong1995#2
I smell a scam
07/18/2010 12:36 maike984#3
ahahahahah I had to lol
07/19/2010 18:25 Druber#4
pls close mod this person only will trade with a ppl and get the items from the others thx pls close mod ^^
07/20/2010 04:09 nix84#5
lol if u wanna dupe why dont try on normal pet first :)
07/20/2010 20:07 snoopdog6969#6
cause his full of shit
07/22/2010 09:22 kenjipm#7
lmao, try at your sandstorm foxhound dude