Csro Account

06/12/2010 20:55 {Nīkītā}#1
Are there maybe people who stoped to play csro for a time or leave it and have chars which could be used for plvl?YOu can take off all items if you want..we only want a char to farm us at ongs =) thank you
06/13/2010 08:38 robert5090#2
Begging ??
06/13/2010 09:28 lesderid#3
If they stopped playing, they also probably stopped visiting this section.
06/13/2010 10:17 {Nīkītā}#4
probably ... but you cant know it
06/13/2010 13:01 intercsaki#5
While sitting and waiting you can start to lvl your own plvl char.. I doubt there is someone who have stopped sro and havea 64+ wiz or nuker, and want to give it to a total foreign guy :) If I decide stop csro and i want to give my chars away, I would probably give them to my friend ^^
06/13/2010 15:46 {Nīkītā}#6
yes but no one can know it^^
06/13/2010 21:38 fredou69#7
Do you have a real life job? I doubt so...
06/14/2010 02:51 I Pk I#8
most people would sell it for like $5-10 rather then give it away for free..