
06/08/2010 03:12 erikolen#1
Ihavent found any working cheats here only 20 keyloggers trojans and just files that dosent work. im a win7 user please give me bots what ACTUALLY DO WORK!
06/08/2010 03:15 Dyrd!n#2
#reported, cannot read?

You are about to post a new thread in a release forum, if you are going to post a question, discussion, request (or something similar) you are wrong here.

I won't post a question or other non-releases in this forum. ... u must check this box to post here :facepalm: THIS is a RELEASE and HOWTO section... Questions are forbidden. try in the normal sf Section area
06/08/2010 03:16 ½IObit²#3
* pls dont beg wait for a releaser to release a hack.

~ Closing soon
06/10/2010 14:57 bernjett15#4
yup your right im also a windows7 os user i cant find any working hack and cheats here plz add me ym and share me your working cheats thankyou
06/10/2010 19:50 trane.#5
10/17/2013 18:08 Autrux#6