[HELP]Client close 98%

06/03/2010 03:25 DraftPunk#1
I'm trying to work aloken but I have some difficulties when I run my client dekaron it load up 98% and closes can someone tell how to resolve NOTE: shrare reading the server usually files aloken dekaon.exe this complete working perfectly the problem I I'm trying to solve and the problem of reaching 98% the game closes anyone has any idea what is causing this qeu some file I have to configure the client that is not configured please someone help.Thanks
06/03/2010 06:50 Indrek888#2
probably you have some file missing or you edited some file and missed something in it
06/03/2010 11:41 Zombe#3
Alright, this is what you do:
- Make a backup of your current files
- Start restoring original working files 1 file by 1
- After each restored file, run the client
- If it still crashes at the same spot, that means that file is not the problem
- Do that till the game boots up, and the last file you restored will be the bad one
- Put all modified files back from the backup
- Try to fix that file that you found is causing the problem.

I've used this method a lot of times myself, and it helps in 80% cases where no error is given to determine what is wrong. Just that it takes time... :/