user hack!

05/19/2010 01:06 rhimezzz#1
Can i hack a specific he cannot play anymore with that char...?

Just asking^^
05/19/2010 05:54 Syberboy#2
Well what you can do is go to 2moons.acclaim site and just spam the account's ID with random passwords. after a while it will lock the account, for 5 mins, 10 mins, and finally hours. This wont locked him out forever, but sure does piss people off ^^
05/19/2010 09:05 Godricc#3
I thought that's only for your pc though (Ip Address) So it wont really effect others when trying to log in.
05/19/2010 17:45 Syberboy#4
nope, it locks the account, not the ip ^^
05/19/2010 18:30 poorbear#5
My interest was sparked on this thread, I havnt tried this yet but im shur its worth a try

Change your name to the players account character and delibratly try to get banned.
If you were to log off and the gm couldnt catch u RED HANDED he might look up the name for the intention of banning the character thus banning your target account.

Also any Screen shot or Video would be under the targets name, so you could actually take screen shots of your self hacking under his name and send them to GM's untill the account was banned. Hope this helps your personal vendetta.
05/19/2010 20:35 lietus3#6
but then you would have to be the same type and same lvl,% +other things cos they could obv check the logs an find out tht thts fake...
05/19/2010 21:44 trane.#7
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