Shaiya Private Server

04/26/2010 21:48 UNeo#1
04/26/2010 22:57 Banker1173#2
Are you using the decoded episode 4 data files or the US shaiya encoded data files? If you are using the US shaiya encoded files, you can just change the IP address in game.exe and create a shortcut with start game. If you are using the decoded episode 4 files, I believe there was a game.exe file included with those. Just change the IP address in there.
04/27/2010 00:07 Banker1173#3
assuming you don't want to play US Shaiya anymore, just edit the IP address in that game.exe to your IP according to the guide, but you won't be able to edit any of the data files cause they are encoded. If you want to be able to edit those, then you need to download the decrypted sdata files and edit the game.exe in there. Also read (and many times re-read) the posts in these forums cause most of the problems you will encounter have been solved in one post or another.
04/27/2010 00:21 UNeo#4
ok i will try that when i get a chance ^_6 hey if yu have skype or instant message you can add me if ya want
04/27/2010 00:24 Banker1173#5
sorry i just checked and the IP address is different from guide. Using US Shaiya game.exe and US Shaiya sdata files edit IP to your IP.
04/27/2010 01:13 UNeo#6
yea see i have done that i have switched there ip with mine befor yet it either says it wont working in win32, or it will say ther server is down please check service board>.>
04/27/2010 14:07 Polypropylen#7
08/23/2010 19:42 julianinou#8
Hello, and where can u find the decrypted sdata files?
08/24/2010 15:21 ShaiyaUnited#9
Search it!