Paste in Client

04/10/2010 16:56 asde12#1
Ok so my "n" key wont work at all, i have it copied so i can paste it places. Except the problem with pasteing is that I can not paste it into the conquer client. I have a few accounts with "n" in the username. Does anyone know what i could do to solve this?
04/10/2010 17:27 asde12#2
It won't let you paste n into the client lol. I just thought of this, maybe i can find in the co folder where it saves ur saved usernames, and just enter the username there, so its there when i open the client
04/10/2010 18:12 Die Schnittstelle#3
press the windows button + u and use the desktop keyboard
04/11/2010 06:44 Tom-lalalala#4
on screen keyboard?
04/11/2010 12:32 Huseby#5
Right click, paste?