Cata PvP Rotations

05/12/2024 07:38 legedkw#1
Hello, Looking for Cataclysm PvP Rotations with perfect logic specifically on Arenas, RBGs, Duels.

Mainly for Rogue and Hunter. It can include any other classes but that's what I'm focusing on.

Contact me on discord: commander5896

If you're a private rotations developer contact me too, need to show portfolio no childs please.
05/14/2024 09:35 legedkw#2
05/19/2024 22:22 hfvhidll12#3
hello did you find one?
05/20/2024 06:24 fengzi#4
I also need to,Contact me on discord: fengzi
06/03/2024 12:55 pefogor#5
06/04/2024 16:13 failpvp#6
06/04/2024 19:18 Hansen4200#7
theres no pvp for cata atleast from what i cant find.
tried one called jugger from awful can diff not recommended it's pure garbage ish scam atleast cata version is.
06/05/2024 04:20 failpvp#8
Dont use anything awful its a guaranteed ban.
06/07/2024 20:03 tappycappy#9