[Release] Grand Fantasia Color hack

03/30/2010 01:46 FeonDust#1
This hack will let you have styles and colors that you normally can't receive when creating new characters. It will let you have hair colors not even released in the makeup kits.
This works only for hair color, skin color, sprite style, and sprite color

***WARNING*** Do NOT make any of your char hot pink. This errors people and you will get permabanned on ALL your accounts.

Use Cheat Engine

So if I wanted to change my haircolor to a bright red,

Change value type to 2byte
Go to character creation screen
Change the hair color to option 4
Scan value 4 in Cheat Engine
Repeat until you have one or two addresses (if it is option 8, scan value 8. if it is option 1, scan value 1)
Add the address to your CT and freeze it. Change the value to whatever you want, then ingame hit the -> button then <- button for hair color. I believe value 55 is a bright red color, so I would change the value to 55.

Hair colors range from values 1-64 before becoming pink
Skin color becomes pink after the default values
Sprite style range is 1-15
Sprite color I forgot.
03/31/2010 22:51 zhadow32#2
nice, pretty useful.. since your using CE i was wondering if theres a way to make a speed hack that isnt server sided, been looking for threads on how to make speed hack script but no luck they just give you the whole scrip, just wondering if you have found a way. ill be trying this now lol .
11/23/2010 23:46 micc#3
Could you post the entiere code of Hair color, not only the '' 4 ''