Add "TCG Trade" to the "Trading" Forums :)

02/10/2021 15:06 Produktplatzierung#1
currently almost nothing is booming more than our beloved TCG. I know that for such trades simply the normal trading could be used. However, since TCG covers a wide spectrum, I think a separate TCG trading section should be here. Possibly with thread prefixes like "Magic, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh" etc. so that we save ourselves individual areas for the already segregated TCG trading and not run the risk that it dies out like some other forum areas :)

I would be very happy about such a section & Greetings!

Stay Safe & Healthy,
~ Produkti'
02/11/2021 16:33 HEZ#2
Good idea i like that, its really booming right now and has a big hype so why not?