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02/01/2021 00:45 guniwine#76
I played on the server for more than 10 days.. probably a little more..
What I could conclude is that the server population is not growing at all, anyone that joins leaves the server within 1-2 days due to the lack of advertisement, players, lack of active parties, lack of motivation to play since there is no-one to play with and at the start exp is kind off mediocre but sp is terrible and you need a gap for all characters especially Chinese otherwise you wont have half of your skills.
Many bugs yet to be fixed including an extremely bugged pick-up pet, random spikes when you play and some times you dc.. not from my side 100%, wierd donation scheme on the website.. paying 10 dollars twice to buy silk is better than buying the 20$ pack.
many suggestions were given yet I literally see 0 interest in the server which does not make me feel safe to donate my money or time into it.
Chinese with EU skills are definetly a "No" this is a very bad idea since noone will make eu characters anymore..
Alchemy rate is terrible.. 25% for +4 and less than 5% for +7 and above doesnt make any sense plus stones are next to rare..

I was hyped at the start but due to many reasons few stated above I see no interest or motivation to continue on the server.. good luck to you and have a good one!
02/01/2021 18:05 tusibasu#77
I am playing from the first day and all that I can agree is SP rate must be higher, there must be more advertisement & suggestions should be interested.

Every other things are good, I even like the low alchemy rate, +7 is valuable like the old days.
02/02/2021 03:33 alaala31#78
GM Free Silk ???
02/02/2021 11:03 NorseGodTyr#79
Winner of Signature event are pme in Discord

Originally Posted by alaala31 View Post
GM Free Silk ???
check the thread and you see it :)
Vote for silk / Uniuqe Kills / Auto Events / Weekly Events / and 2 Daily quest [daily quest are request lvl 101+]