[Help] What is the correct way to control job rate?

09/20/2020 11:17 vietnguyen09#1
Hi guys,

I want to fully control job rate such as 1m gold for a 5* trade but getting 30m profit or 1* - 4* will not getting any profit but only exp.

I know this question is asked a lot, I also read all the topic related to _ItemQuotation table and edit the SellPrice to increase job rate. But I want to understand how BaseQuote, Quot_LB, Quot_UB work.

What is the best way to control job rate these days?

09/20/2020 12:12 Devsome#2
09/24/2020 01:24 $WeGs#3
this topic ain't related to coding section at all
09/24/2020 01:36 Devsome#4
Originally Posted by $WeGs View Post
this topic ain't related to coding section at all
That new Section wasn't created. I just moved it into the right one.
09/24/2020 11:34 Worshiper#5
Best way to edit job rate
Refobjcomon and refpricepolicy