Private Server Idea - MOBA

08/05/2020 10:31 0wnix#1

I was wondering if anyone ever worked on a MOBA version of DarkOrbit.
This could be implemented easily using already existing mechanisms of DO and could bring some competition / skills (over farming and cash).

I have no time to work on that but the idea came to my mind and so I thought I should post it, hopefully this can bring some ideas to a dev's mind.

Overall concept
The game is played on a symmetrical map, with 3 (or 5?) players per team. There is 2 lane and one jungle (in grey).
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Each lane has 2 towers per team, you have to destroy the 2 towers to reach the base and destroy it, resulting in a win.

Every XX seconds, you have a wave of minions (small npcs), that spawns for both team and that moves from blue base to red base (and reverse). The minions focus the ennemies minions or the ennemy player if he attacks the ally player.

The jungle is filled with stronger NPCs and gives higher gold and buffs.

Every time you get killed, you have to wait before respawning, the wait time depends of your level.

To win, you have to level up, upgrade your abilities and buy the items that fit the best your play style. This will allow you to kill the ennemies and destroy their towers and base.

Gold system
Players earn passive gold and by killing minions (streuners / lordakias / mordons, spawned by waves). There can be some sort of jungle as well (maybe add some asteroid walls) where there would be bosses such as Lordakium, Sibelonit camp etc., rewarding players with gold and potentially "buffs" (3% health regen per second, for 90 seconds)

Level system
Killing NPCs and players reward the killer (and near allies) with experience points. Experience points are used to level up (number of levels to be defined). Each time you level up, you can upgrade one ability (or stat?).

Level can be seen directly by looking at the player's rank (either use DO rank, or replace images by digits)

We can think of either global ability (non-ship dependent) or local ability (ship dependent, but would require more work to implement).

Abilities we could "easily" implement :
- ability that increase attack speed by 30/50/80/100/150%
- ability that increase move speed by 20/../../..%
- ability that modifiy your attack, causing each attack to slow the target by 20%/30% etc.. for xx seconds
- ability that heals you 20/30/40/50% of missing health
- ability that shields you for 10,000/20,000/50,000 HP for 3 seconds
- ability that root the target for 5 seconds
- ability that poison the target, causing 50,000 damage over 3 seconds
- ability that summons 3 allies NPCs, which attack the target you attack
- ability that stealths you for 10 seconds, cancelled on attack

and so on... as you can see, such abilities don't require modification of the client and use common mechanics of DO.

Similar effects may be used for items, although IMO, items should give passive stat gain (eg. permanent attack speed gain) whereas abilities should give temporary gain and have cooldown etc.

Item system
This can be implementend by either modifying the client (which may be hard), or by having an html element over the game, which communicates with the server using websocket. Same thing for the shop system.

Each player can buy up to 6 items using gold.


So, I'm curious to know if anyone is working on this or planning to do so?
Curious to hear about your thoughts and ideas as well
08/06/2020 00:46 Moonsteroid#2
Interesting, I'd some similar ideas but I've never looked from a MOBA perspective on it.. thank you!
08/06/2020 09:54 721560329#3
i usually come and trash talk.. not this time i think its interesting idea and something i would definitely tried if server like this (or event like this on "some server" **cough**PG**cough**) existed. its something new and a nice relieve from the copy/paste servers we used to see
08/07/2020 15:22 Sήøwy#4
I've already did some testing and such mechanism was in the events ideas list for Lost Galaxy. Cough cough Dota 2.

In my view it was more like a side mini-game / event than overall new game but honestly it could work as a new game.

Lost Galaxy already has a custom swf and most of this changes would be quite easy to implement but the future isn't bright for Flash so I'm considering moving to WebGL.