RUBINUM - 'Legacy of Meley' | International | Server start 22.05.2020

08/14/2020 13:08 SixDeep#2566
Hättet ihr mich mal nicht gebannt xd
08/14/2020 13:11 Schuhlöffel#2567
Musste nun tatsächlich nach jahrelangem weigern ein epvp Account erstellen um mal was los zu werden. "dont leave us alone event" Euer ernst? Ich war so hyped auf den Server, aber ihr habt einfach absolut alles was man falsch machen kann falsch gemacht und jetzt wollt ihr mit billigen Events die Spieler anbetteln, dass sie euch nicht alleine lassen sollen? Wir brauchen keine Events, sondern eine Leitung, die ein Gehirn haben. Für mich wars das!
08/14/2020 13:29 -Aries#2568
Originally Posted by Schuhlöffel View Post
Musste nun tatsächlich nach jahrelangem weigern ein epvp Account erstellen um mal was los zu werden. "dont leave us alone event" Euer ernst? Ich war so hyped auf den Server, aber ihr habt einfach absolut alles was man falsch machen kann falsch gemacht und jetzt wollt ihr mit billigen Events die Spieler anbetteln, dass sie euch nicht alleine lassen sollen? Wir brauchen keine Events, sondern eine Leitung, die ein Gehirn haben. Für mich wars das!
Glad you created an account only for this reply. We don't beg anyone to play on the server, if you cannot see the bigger picture out is your problem. The Event was created for the our users that still play on the server. And also, as a matter of fact, it's obviously that players left because they seek hype and challenges. No matter how you turn the situation, or whom you would have put in place of Rubinum, the result would have been the same. Believe it or not, it's better to accept the downsides and to make the best things out of them.
08/14/2020 14:08 NN12#2569
Originally Posted by -Aries View Post
Glad you created an account only for this reply. We don't beg anyone to play on the server, if you cannot see the bigger picture out is your problem. The Event was created for the our users that still play on the server. And also, as a matter of fact, it's obviously that players left because they seek hype and challenges. No matter how you turn the situation, or whom you would have put in place of Rubinum, the result would have been the same. Believe it or not, it's better to accept the downsides and to make the best things out of them.
The players don't leave the server because they are looking for challenges they leave because you brought complete dirt patches and your server had to be reseted after 3 days. :kekw:
08/14/2020 15:02 reincke#2570
Originally Posted by -Aries View Post
Glad you created an account only for this reply. We don't beg anyone to play on the server, if you cannot see the bigger picture out is your problem. The Event was created for the our users that still play on the server. And also, as a matter of fact, it's obviously that players left because they seek hype and challenges. No matter how you turn the situation, or whom you would have put in place of Rubinum, the result would have been the same. Believe it or not, it's better to accept the downsides and to make the best things out of them.
Aries u are a joke. You clearly have no idea what u are doing.
It is obv that people leave the Server because of you and your nice patches. :).
The patches from the last 2weeks are just rollbacks to the old patch, but we leave for hype and challenges loool.
08/14/2020 15:05 Dreamfansy#2571
Thanks, good server.
08/14/2020 16:16 InternationalKevin#2572
Die metin com ist so verbittert es ist echt lächerlich
Finds witzig, dass sie den spielerverlust mit Humor nehmen und trotzdem nach wie vor versuchen, den Server zu verbessern. Klar waren viele fragwürdige Patches dabei, aber die waren ja nicht beabsichtigt schlecht, sondern einfach Fehleinschätzungen. Spiele zwar derzeit nicht dort, aber wünsche dem Team trotzdem alles gute. Eventuell kann man ja mal wieder vorbeischauen, wenn sich alles ein wenig eingependelt hat.
08/14/2020 16:59 Eurus#2573
Originally Posted by -Aries View Post
Glad you created an account only for this reply. We don't beg anyone to play on the server, if you cannot see the bigger picture out is your problem. The Event was created for the our users that still play on the server. And also, as a matter of fact, it's obviously that players left because they seek hype and challenges. No matter how you turn the situation, or whom you would have put in place of Rubinum, the result would have been the same. Believe it or not, it's better to accept the downsides and to make the best things out of them.
I highly doubt that some specific other human being would have produced the same shitshow of patches, but that's just my opinion.
08/14/2020 17:57 -Aries#2574
Originally Posted by Eurus View Post
I highly doubt that some specific other human being would have produced the same shitshow of patches, but that's just my opinion.
Good joke. Since the start the patches were disliked no matter what, without any sustainable argument. Latest patches (beside the 0.10, 0.10.1, 0.10.2) were exactly what was requested by the community and users, not to mention that we took high/-end level players to contribute with their ideas, result was the same.

You can't please everyone, I get it, but keeping on telling me that each patch was bad, even for what it has been requested then you are delusional.
08/14/2020 18:37 PaTe43#2575
Originally Posted by -Aries View Post
Good joke. Since the start the patches were disliked no matter what, without any sustainable argument. Latest patches (beside the 0.10, 0.10.1, 0.10.2) were exactly what was requested by the community and users, not to mention that we took high/-end level players to contribute with their ideas, result was the same.

You can't please everyone, I get it, but keeping on telling me that each patch was bad, even for what it has been requested then you are delusional.
Frech !
08/14/2020 19:34 reincke#2576
Originally Posted by -Aries View Post
Good joke. Since the start the patches were disliked no matter what, without any sustainable argument. Latest patches (beside the 0.10, 0.10.1, 0.10.2) were exactly what was requested by the community and users, not to mention that we took high/-end level players to contribute with their ideas, result was the same.

You can't please everyone, I get it, but keeping on telling me that each patch was bad, even for what it has been requested then you are delusional.
No one asked for a Mobpot 12hours for 10kk.
No one asked for better dews.
No one asked for pvp rings.
No one asked for removing gaya drop from bosses and 2weeks later putting them back in again.
No one asked for Cor nerf and later buffing the drop again.
No one asked for new cringe emotes you stole from other servers.

and the other changes arent even worth of mentioning

08/14/2020 20:03 M2Trading#2577
Originally Posted by -Aries View Post
Good joke. Since the start the patches were disliked no matter what, without any sustainable argument. Latest patches (beside the 0.10, 0.10.1, 0.10.2) were exactly what was requested by the community and users, not to mention that we took high/-end level players to contribute with their ideas, result was the same.

You can't please everyone, I get it, but keeping on telling me that each patch was bad, even for what it has been requested then you are delusional.
Achso. Das z.B. die Idee mit 2.000 Cors für das Rücksetzen der Alchemie auf Brilliant Scheiße ist, muss man euch noch begründet darlegen?
Genauso wie das Umkrempeln des Bändersystems nachdem es sooo viele Maximale Bänder gibt?
Und von 11k Spielern auf 800 Spieler ist die Spieleranzahl nicht gesunken, "weil man es nicht allen Recht machen kann".
Vorher mit Eurus hat es doch auch geklappt :-)

Kp glaube völlig delusional bist du. xdd
08/14/2020 20:06 Metin2.Zephyr#2578
Originally Posted by -Aries View Post
Good joke. Since the start the patches were disliked no matter what, without any sustainable argument. Latest patches (beside the 0.10, 0.10.1, 0.10.2) were exactly what was requested by the community and users, not to mention that we took high/-end level players to contribute with their ideas, result was the same.

You can't please everyone, I get it, but keeping on telling me that each patch was bad, even for what it has been requested then you are delusional.
You literally changed the Market Prices every week.
You made farming useless and the people who just bought stuff which was worthless before your patches got huge profit out of it (energy fragments)
You changed the best Systems from S2 which worked perfect and were balanced.
Since nobody asked for new Sash-System,Ticket-System you just changed every running system to "prove" that you were doing some work after the downtime.
Most People stopped playing after 2 Weeks of the Start and pretty much people after Aeldra Discord was released, because the players didnt want to look to your Clown fiesta anymore

BTW.: The only fanboys who liked your post where DealtDerEtwa (who is a Lv.55 Loser), iShakir and
Mesonyxtios whos is the leader of BloodyCrap
08/14/2020 20:19 -Aries#2579
Originally Posted by Metin2.Zephyr View Post
You literally changed the Market Prices every week.
You made farming useless and the people who just bought stuff which was worthless before your patches got huge profit out of it (energy fragments)
You changed the best Systems from S2 which worked perfect and were balanced.
Since nobody asked for new Sash-System,Ticket-System you just changed every running system to "prove" that you were doing some work after the downtime.
Most People stopped playing after 2 Weeks of the Start and pretty much people after Aeldra Discord was released, because the players didnt want to look to your Clown fiesta anymore

BTW.: The only fanboys who liked your post where DealtDerEtwa (who is a Lv.55 Loser), iShakir and
Mesonyxtios whos is the leader of BloodyCrap
There you go, conspiracy theorist. "who just bought stuff which was worthless before your patches got huge profit out of it (energy fragments)" - when we did such changes it was never ever shared with team members and users, less users bought something before a certain update and they did it as a coinflip. The only problem was that we couldn't close shops in the first patches, which of course is our mistake and we take it. But lately we've been closing shops when such changes happen.

"You changed the best Systems from S2 which worked perfect and were balanced." Server is running mostly with S2 systems, what we've planned never worked because everyone wanted S2, not anything else, there were users who didn't even try a thing but they said it sucks because is not 1:1 like S2.

"Since nobody asked for new Sash-System,Ticket-System you just changed every running system to "prove" that you were doing some work after the downtime." - Actually, there's already a lot of development in work and up-coming, it's pointless to tell me that I did a certain patch just to entertain the community that "Hey, we have new update, yay!" - and what I've quoted above goes as well in the 2nd paragraph that I wrote.

PS: Market fluctuations are also a result of a very high number of users that we had in the first month
Btw: You are wearing a Rubinum Banner, fan boy

Originally Posted by M2Trading View Post
Achso. Das z.B. die Idee mit 2.000 Cors für das Rücksetzen der Alchemie auf Brilliant Scheiße ist, muss man euch noch begründet darlegen?
Genauso wie das Umkrempeln des Bändersystems nachdem es sooo viele Maximale Bänder gibt?
Und von 11k Spielern auf 800 Spieler ist die Spieleranzahl nicht gesunken, "weil man es nicht allen Recht machen kann".
Vorher mit Eurus hat es doch auch geklappt :-)

Kp glaube völlig delusional bist du. xdd
I don't want to missunderstand your post, but the 2.000 Cor for Exchanging wasn't neither good but neither bad. Everytime you have to weight the fact that doing something too easy it can get bad fast. If it's too hard you can nerf it and it won't affect that much the players. Same goes for a lot of stuff that was implemented.

If there are 8.000 users online, everything that is affordable in-game in an easy manner (E.G Farming Metin Stones) can be always easy abused. Hacks, Bots, Multi-Farming, 24/7 Users' Farming. Cor Draconis being one of the Items that could have been received in an easy way, should have its' downside on another part so that the value of it to resist on a longer period of time.
08/14/2020 21:06 Metin2.Zephyr#2580
Originally Posted by -Aries View Post
There you go, conspiracy theorist. "who just bought stuff which was worthless before your patches got huge profit out of it (energy fragments)" - when we did such changes it was never ever shared with team members and users, less users bought something before a certain update and they did it as a coinflip. The only problem was that we couldn't close shops in the first patches, which of course is our mistake and we take it. But lately we've been closing shops when such changes happen.

"You changed the best Systems from S2 which worked perfect and were balanced." Server is running mostly with S2 systems, what we've planned never worked because everyone wanted S2, not anything else, there were users who didn't even try a thing but they said it sucks because is not 1:1 like S2.

"Since nobody asked for new Sash-System,Ticket-System you just changed every running system to "prove" that you were doing some work after the downtime." - Actually, there's already a lot of development in work and up-coming, it's pointless to tell me that I did a certain patch just to entertain the community that "Hey, we have new update, yay!" - and what I've quoted above goes as well in the 2nd paragraph that I wrote.

PS: Market fluctuations are also a result of a very high number of users that we had in the first month
Btw: You are wearing a Rubinum Banner, fan boy

I don't want to missunderstand your post, but the 2.000 Cor for Exchanging wasn't neither good but neither bad. Everytime you have to weight the fact that doing something too easy it can get bad fast. If it's too hard you can nerf it and it won't affect that much the players. Same goes for a lot of stuff that was implemented.

If there are 8.000 users online, everything that is affordable in-game in an easy manner (E.G Farming Metin Stones) can be always easy abused. Hacks, Bots, Multi-Farming, 24/7 Users' Farming. Cor Draconis being one of the Items that could have been received in an easy way, should have its' downside on another part so that the value of it to resist on a longer period of time.
But not your Rubinum.