Selling valuable account, Assasin Main lvl80, 10x lvl 70, 150 Million Mesos included

02/25/2020 03:43 Clockwork101#1
Today I am selling my maple Account. It is very valuable:
It has one lvl 80 Assassin Main with Legendary +15 Stars, 26% Piercing, 200+ crit damage. Critdmg, piercing accessories almost everything purple rolls.

It has 10 more chars that are balrog ready, around lvl 70.
It has around 150 Million mesos to buy you whatever you want.
Almost a Million onyx crystals and thousands of onyx.

I can provide proof in discord, if you want.

Price: 220 Euro, pm me on discord: Grakataaa#0678
04/15/2020 09:39 DarkOPM#2