Looking for seller

09/02/2019 12:25 celicaw8#1
Looking for long time seller

Looking for a seller who can sell my accounts on EUW/EUNE in bulk.
The accounts are ranging from Gold - Dia on demand.
- Can negotiate the % of the earnings.
- Can supply 30 to 60 accounts each month depending on demand.
- 90%+ winrate on accounts
- Fresh accounts with no prior ranks or warnings

Contact me on discord if interested:
09/02/2019 15:08 RemakeMarket#2
Remake#1234 , dm.
09/06/2019 18:08 Behau#3
Looking for extra account provider?
09/24/2019 12:26 Fible#4
You can contact me via pm, im looking forward more informations.
2500+ ebay ratings on my side.
09/24/2019 12:43 Chabbaworkie#5

I can offer u my selling skills here on this Board.

Just DM me if u need any information!

Greetings Chabba