Gold4 219 Skins against Fresh Plat/Diamond

06/06/2019 18:45 Naruya#1
Level 134
Champions all except zoe/sylas
Mastery 478
Runepages 5
Gold4 7lp

LF High Plat/Low Dia Fresh Accounts without Skins etc
06/06/2019 18:59 SickiG.#2
I've got a P2 58% wr Acc with 30 champs 7 skins.
would give you a S1 63% wr 24 champs 1 skin acc for free as well.

If interested message me.

Best regards!
05/20/2020 09:35 Joao Campello#3
Hello, i have a diamond 4 account if you are interested my discord is: Jhonny Campello#6965