Cannot join server from another computer after moving to Windows Server

12/26/2018 15:03 Sh1ftx#1
I followed this guide and created a server in vmWare Windows 10:
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After that I copied all files and set a static IP to the same IP address etc. and now I can join the server from my Windows Server 2012...

But when I try to start the game from my local PC it says "Server is under inspection".

Any idea why?
12/26/2018 15:14 devdash#2
check if your statick ip added to your server files & client & SRO_VT_ACCOUNT & router setup
12/26/2018 15:24 Sh1ftx#3
Originally Posted by alydandy View Post
check if your statick ip added to your server files & client & SRO_VT_ACCOUNT & router setup
Yes the files are the same as in the Win10 machine, so there is naturally no need to change these. (Still I have checked and everything seems correct)

I am not sure about the router thing though. Since I think the Standalone Billing Server is regulating the connection?

I also think that there is an issue with router.. but how/why did it work on Windows 10?
12/26/2018 16:13 devdash#4
just call your internet company customer line and tell em that u need to setup your statick ip on your router and they will do that for you
12/26/2018 17:09 Sh1ftx#5
Solved the issue by disabling Firewall in Windows Server.

Maybe it helps to open ports instead, but I'm not sure which one or how exactly but I'll leave it like that for now.