Is it possible

02/11/2010 19:53 ihatehacks#1
is it possible to hack into the account database for 2moons to recover your own password/account that someone stole off you??

If so can someone hint me on where i should start or go to.
02/11/2010 19:55 sachamo512#2
of course it's possible. anything is possible.

As for where you should go...try GameHi's HQ where they store their servers. When you get there, you better go crazy-ninja on their servers and hack into them.

Other that that, no. You lost your account and will not be getting it back, sorry.
02/11/2010 20:03 ihatehacks#3
tnx, i am years off of being able to get into stuff like that :O guess it is lost
02/11/2010 20:26 skabed#4
Originally Posted by ihatehacks View Post
is it possible to hack into the account database for 2moons to recover your own password/account that someone stole off you??

If so can someone hint me on where i should start or go to.

Hah I lol'd so hard about this. If you could hack the database, wouldn't it be best to just hack all accounts and not only recover your's??
Hah I'm still loling xD.
02/12/2010 16:41 Syberboy#5
he might be too nice and really what he is saying is he wants his accounts back. Since he probably hasn't been able to through account recovery. So he has asked this question, not because he wants to hack the data base, but because he just wants his account back.