Gerüchte um SWG / Emu Diskussionsthread

05/14/2006 09:07 Burnz#31
läuft jetzt eigentlich irgendwo schon was in sachen SWG Emu? Hab mir ein paar Seiten angeschaut....aber nirgendswo wird erwähnt das schon ein Privat Server mit SWG läuft?
05/14/2006 14:12 koji#32
weil die software momentan noch in entwiklung ist
05/15/2006 21:49 termi#33
rtf-faq ^^
05/27/2006 14:53 savas#34
swg monster closed
05/28/2006 18:02 Punisher#35
"SWG-Monster" waren ja auch nur Leute die nen Server mit der SWGEmu Software hosten wollten. Die haben ja selber nichts programmiert. Aber ich hab auch schon ne Deutsche Community gefunden, die nen SWG Server hosten werden, sobald es soweit ist.
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hoffe, ich mache hier keine unerlaubte Werbung... :ops:
05/28/2006 21:33 altundsenil#36
um mich mal auf den topic zu beziehen: ich glaube da ist nicht viel dran... zu viel blabla und nix dahinter!!!

ich hätte den server erst programmiert und kurz vor dem betatest die welle losgetreten... und nicht umgekehrt... so macht man die leute nur völlig unnötig verrückt und neugierig. ich glaube die haben sich ein bisschen übernommen...
05/29/2006 02:13 koji#37
wonder how the swgemu team is advancing well we have to wait and see what will happen maybe they just use the old tactic dont publicate anything untill everything is working fine there is not much sense in releasing an alpha version i trust those ppl to be honest i saw SOE saying CU would be great they said everyting would work fine and what ive expirienced was a total mess and i was disapointed about the CU and of course the NGE it was like they were Hitting me in the Face with the NGE
05/29/2006 07:22 JokerTM#38
Originally posted by koji@May 29 2006, 02:13
wonder how the swgemu team is advancing well we have to wait and see what will happen maybe they just use the old tactic dont publicate anything untill everything is working fine there is not much sense in releasing an alpha version i trust those ppl to be honest i saw SOE saying CU would be great they said everyting would work fine and what ive expirienced was a total mess and i was disapointed about the CU and of course the NGE it was like they were Hitting me in the Face with the NGE
Slow. its hard to figure out packets for a game that basically no longer exists. CU/NGE logs have helped us so far, but do not any longer (at least not for sandbox)
05/29/2006 11:53 termi#39
and thats the point you start reverseengineering on the .exe (and others)?
05/29/2006 20:23 JokerTM#40
Originally posted by termi@May 29 2006, 11:53
and thats the point you start reverseengineering on the .exe (and others)?
yup. but none of us are very good at reversing. all the reversers i know are working on other emulator projects or have no interest in SWG.
05/29/2006 20:29 termi#41
i would help if I had enough time... :(
BTW.: Can you give me the exe-file of the 12. pub?
05/30/2006 07:45 JokerTM#42
ask xeno on irc. hes the one that has it. i'll tell him you'll ask for it.
05/30/2006 07:59 termi#43
Thanks Joker :)
05/30/2006 23:02 altundsenil#44
und selbstverständlich wird "termi" gleich posten, ob da was dran ist, oder nicht... oder?
05/31/2006 08:10 termi#45
Ich hab die Datein von Xeno bekommen und werd sie mir mal anschauen :D