Editor of the World Map Problem

08/31/2018 07:06 Basho99#1

I have a problem with the new Map.

When I put a protection nopvp in a circle and when I put it 15, I have a problem with monsters that can strike inside the circle but I can not hit them.

[Problem 2]

When I fish in the lake, the fish never comes.

Help me

[ Sorry I have a problem in English.=( ....:mad:


09/01/2018 00:43 Nick#2
09/03/2018 01:54 Basho99#3
09/05/2018 22:58 Basho99#4
A problem has been resolved "nopvp"

Fishing problem ...

When I install the map instead of "outdoorA1" on the server side and Clint.
Fishing works without problems.

But when I install mapp on an index for example "385" I can never catch fish never ever ever:thinking:
09/07/2018 03:11 Basho99#5