
02/01/2010 07:49 Greens44#1
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02/01/2010 13:04 slowburn10#2
shopsteed and shoppingsteed is that the same ?
02/01/2010 15:32 chrisbond#3
So can i make this with 6 bought lavander steeds and 1104 saddles?

i can make that many saddles in just over a week if i try so if it works with only the lavanders bought i will give it a shot.
02/01/2010 17:43 Greens44#4
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02/01/2010 19:58 gabrola#5
The cheapest shopping steed is for 129 cps, 39 * 129 = 5031 cps + the saddles, too much pain, u get +thanks for the shit load of work though.
02/02/2010 03:00 yogeoh#6
what is these numbers means
like | White~Steed | 97 | 85 | 217 | 399 | Ivory~Steed
02/02/2010 17:51 Greens44#7
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02/03/2010 02:06 yogeoh#8
well. i didn't understand this too but thx for your work :D
02/03/2010 05:52 Greens44#9
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02/03/2010 08:04 thundersfury#10
not understanding the the math there...feel like simplifying it lol?
02/03/2010 09:04 Chuan#11
i never see the levander steed only got the white maroon and black
02/03/2010 15:06 dwizab#12
for shoppingsteed do lavender only the best composition for frostbite or is it still ok to use the 2 pack steed for substitution for the lavender steed?
02/04/2010 03:26 mobannas#13
what saddles do i have to buy from shop?
and which ones?
02/04/2010 06:49 fallenangelx#14
lavender steed?? which one is that? or can i just buy any shopping steed?
02/04/2010 09:36 shutup_1234#15
Frostbite= [[[[[(D)+(E)+[A]+5x(E)+2x(ShoppingSteed)]+[(F)]+11x[(D)+(E)+[A]+5x(E)+2x(ShoppingSteed)]]+10x[(B)+4x(A)+(C)+(ShoppingSteed)]]+[[(B)+5x(A)]]]+[[[(A)+7x(B)]+5x[2x[(B)+4x(A)]+(ShopingSteed)]]]]

What is mean of the formulas?

What is D,A,B,E?

Plz anyone help me ....