League of legends ACC for CSGO KNIFE

11/19/2017 14:06 Bulder700#1
Hello. im trading my league of legends account for CSGO Knife.

All Champions (-Skarner)
Ward Skins - Sad Mummy, Optic Enhancer, Mother Serpent, Mecha, Dark Star, Honor LV5, Star Guardian, Championship Ashe Ward(S7) & more!
105+ Skins (Some of them you cant get anymore)
Goth Annie
FrankenTibbers Annie
Panda Annie
Glacial Olaf
Marauder Olaf
Imperial Xin Zhao
Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
Secret Agent Xin Zhao
Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks
Viridian Kayle
Riot Kayle
Unchained Alistar
Ryze Whitebeard
Warrior Princess Sivir
Spectacular Sivir
Astronaut Teemo
Riot Girl Tristana
Dragon Trainer Tristana
Star Guardian Miss Fortune
Amethyst Ashe
Heartseeker Ashe
Marauder Ashe
Championship Ashe (With Gold Chroma from S7)
Highland Tryndamere
Sultan Tryndamere
Nemesis Jax
Shadow Evelynn
Blackfrost Anivia
Royal Shaco
Toxic Dr. Mundo
Corporate Mundo
DJ Sona
Sweetheart Sona
Frostblade Irelia
Order of the Lotus Irelia
Fnatic Janna
Spooky Gangplank
Hot Rod Corki
Sun Goddess Karma
Order of the Lotus Karma
Bloodstone Taric
Curling Veigar
Lunar Wraith Caitlyn
Pulsefire Caitlyn
Definitely Not Blitzcrank
Marble Malphite
Warring Kingdoms Katarina
Haunting Nocturne
Blood Moon Elise
SKT T1 Elise
Underworld Wukong
Traditional Lee Sin
Vindicator Vayne
Arclight Vayne
Archduke Nasus
Snow Bunny Nidalee
Bewitching Nidalee
Warring Kingdoms Nidalee
Black Belt Udyr
Definitely Not Udyr
Noxus Poppy
Battle Regalia Poppy
Perseus Pantheon
Nottingham Ezreal
Pulsefire Ezreal
Ace of Spades Ezreal
Dragon Knight Mordekaiser
King of Clubs Mordekaiser
Blood Moon Akali
Arctic Ops Kennen
Dreadknight Garen
Battle Bunny Riven
Championship Riven 2016
TPA Shen
Sorceress Lux
Elementalist Lux
Boneclaw Shyvana
Super Galaxy Shyvana
Academy Ahri
Star Guardian Ahri
Super Galaxy Fizz
Captain Volibear
El Rayo Volibear
SSW Rengar
Blight Crystal Varus
Heartseeker Varus
Warden Nautilus
Prototype Viktor
Nightraven Fiora
Headmistress Fiora
Blood Knight Hecarim
Reaper Hecarim
Death Blossom Kha'Zix
Forsaken Jayce
Blood Moon Yasuo
Dragonslayer Braum
Star Guardian Jinx
Championship Zed
Academy Ekko
Warring Kingdoms Vi
River Spirit Nami
Championship Kalista