Arcane Rappelz 9.4

12/06/2020 01:25 Allucard78#151
Originally Posted by yeetyagga6 View Post
surprisingly still the most active server other than maybe space with peak players around ~120 online (i think space only has more cause you can open shop and close game)

it would be nice for makenci to come back and start coding but players will stay either way. we know he will make his return its just a matter of when
on space is now playing a lot more players than you said 350+ after the Mak threw us, a lot of people left there. even the team rocket left there. I think that if the Mak does not return before the new year, the arcana is doomed
12/07/2020 22:40 ExusLucy#152
350+ sound way to crazy for Rappelz, you calc with 300 offline shop?:D
Space is Russian server so that never can replace this, not huge secret but Eng players doesn't care on RU or AR servers for simple reason:in game chat.
Aslong something non shit Eng server doesn't open, is safe even without updates(sadly, like i did sad: there is no real alternative)
12/31/2020 04:08 fadedaf#153
hello whoever is in charge please come back or give ownership to someone else or atleast allow someone to continue development because there are still many guilds who play here and it would be great again if someone gave a fuck
01/02/2021 15:17 ExusLucy#154
I really wonder why evryone started to miss Makanci now, i mean server last update was 2y ago so asfar i see nothing did change...
01/28/2022 00:09 olejenek500#155
restart the server!

it was the best private server ever!
01/28/2022 13:08 Saverioo4646#156
Please reopen the server !!! Give it to me I'll keep it open, please! I pay for it!
09/02/2023 04:05 adamwestDMC#157
bump for restart this mother fucker