Far Cry 5: closer to reality than you think

06/12/2017 18:29 ŴOLF#1
It's frightening how close games come to reality. Also for developers, this is an obstacle with which they must first learn to deal with. In Far Cry 5, the player captures the leader of a religious sect in America.

Next year the new part of Far Cry 5 will be released. This time it is going to America to be exact after Hope Country. The player assumes the role of a policeman who has to capture the leader of a religious sect in a city. This is not going to be easy, everyone should be aware. What may not be so surpring is that this story is not so far from reality. Dan Hay, Executive Producer, has teamed up with his team to develop Far Cry 5. In an interview he talks about the emotions that the team has undergone during the development.

"Strange is a good word to describe the whole thing. The game has been in the oven for two and a half years, and our eyes were only directed to complete and deliver it. If you suddenly look up and pull your head out of the sand, look around and realize that there are similar feelings around you. Sometimes you work on a project and expect a completely different feeling. When the heat of minds is similar, it becomes strange and twisted. Since there is a whole industry, which supports sowas. If you see businessmen selling things, you notice that the language of the game is more real than you thought. "

How do you see the situation, would it possibly disturb you as a developer, if you had such a close relation to reality? Will you get Far Cry 5? Let us know and share your opinions with us!"
06/13/2017 12:54 Callum#2
06/21/2017 23:05 R3D*#3
Let us wait.
07/03/2017 01:24 ProjectArdirServer#4
I can not wait to premier games:)
07/06/2017 06:23 Huskyboost#5
It will be awesome
12/05/2017 18:50 iflay#6
The far cry series are my favorite game series ever. I cant wait..
12/09/2017 07:09 giannithegod#7
Far cry has always been a favorite of mine for singleplayer so hopefully they live up to the past games.
12/19/2017 02:42 TheWido#8
Love Far Cry, can't wait to play the new game.