Dekaron High Moob Hunting Disconnet?

01/15/2010 14:51 blackviper5#1
Thank you guys again for the new bypass :D
And now i would like to know , why I get disconnect whan i want to kill high moobs (like reques beach 2) with lv.50 ??
Someone have any idea:confused:

Thank you in forward :handsdown::handsdown::handsdown:
01/15/2010 15:50 Castiel_pwn´sAll#2
maybe they fixed that?
01/15/2010 19:38 -GeForce-#3
Thats the New updated like few months ago!

You are not able to fight*Gain exp* in highers level maps than your level
01/15/2010 19:45 Madara619#4
hI ALL Ihad used the new rexignation and it works in awhile and then dc. Itried again then dc.

Then I run the game using unpacker and it works in a while then dc afterwwards. then i try again....... DC!!WTF

now i dont know wat to do. anyone knows how tu fix or tell me wat tu do??

01/15/2010 19:52 -GeForce-#5
Thats pretty wrong place to Discuss your issue