Cymera - Feel the Adventure of Oldschool [Start: 24.03.2017]

03/26/2017 00:33 .Player#541
Böser Server spiele seit der 1. Minute kann den Server nur empfehlen!

Shang nimmt sich jeden Anständigen Vorschlag zu Herzen und geht dem auch nach

Ts support 24/7 jedes mal ist minimum ein TGM und Shang am supporten lange nicht mehr sowas professionelles gesehen amk
03/26/2017 00:37 Lord Goku#542
Meine persönlich Meinung nach ca. 6 Stunden Spielzeit:

Nichts weltbewegendes aber auch auf keinen Fall schlecht.
Wer einen Oldschool Server sucht, kann ihn gerne anspielen und wird bestimmt die ein oder andere nette Stunde dort verbringen.

03/26/2017 01:22 .Soυzα#543
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Liebe Cymerianer,
bei der Wartung am 25.03.2017 wurden folgende Punkte bearbeitet und gefixt.

Mit dem neuem Client wurden einige Stabilitätsprobleme behoben. Er sollte sicherer laufen und nicht so häufig abstürzen.
Außerdem wurden einige Änderungen am Server vorgenommen, die uns ermöglichen, mit der nächsten Wartung weiterhin mehr Stabilität aufzubauen.

ÄNDERUNG: Metin Respawn in der Wüste auf 60 Sekunden reduziert
ÄNDERUNG: Metin Spawn-Rate in der Wüste um 30% erhöht
ÄNDERUNG: Metin Spawn-Rate im Eisland um 20% erhöht
ÄNDERUNG: Biologie Orkzahn Belohnung gibt nur noch 2kk Yang
ÄNDERUNG: Bossruf-Rolle spawnt nun mehrere Bosse
ÄNDERUNG: Erfahrungsrate auf Kap des Drachenfeuers gesenkt
ÄNDERUNG: Erfahrungsrate auf Guatamakliff gesenkt
ÄNDERUNG: Erfahrungsrate auf Donnerberge gesenkt
ÄNDERUNG: Erfahrungsrate auf Nephritbucht gesenkt
ÄNDERUNG: Schaden vom General Yonghan gesenkt
ÄNDERUNG: Sprachbücher wurden aus dem Spiel entfernt

BUGFIX: Ogong-Run fixed
BUGFIX: Verwitterte Steintafel steht nun im Roten Wald

NEU: Ereignishelfer erreichbar in allen Channels


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Dear Cymerians,
the maintenance today at 25th of March 2017 brought the following changes:

The new client provides a more stable game experience. There should be less crashes and kicks than before.
Furthermore we did some work on the server to get detailed informations about other errors so we can fix them with the next maintenance to gain even more stability.

CHANGE: Respawn duration for metin stones in the desert were lowered
CHANGE: Metin spawn density was raised by 30% in the desert
CHANGE: Metin spawn density was raised by 20% in the ice desert
CHANGE: Biology orc teeth quest rewards you with 2kk gold
CHANGE: Boss calling items spawn plenty of bosses at once
CHANGE: Experience rate was raised on Cape Dragon Fire
CHANGE: Experience rate was raised on Guatama Cliff
CHANGE: Experience rate was raised on Thunder Mountains
CHANGE: Experience rate was raised on Nephrite Bay
CHANGE: Lowered the damage dealt by General Yonghan
CHANGE: Language training books were removed from the game

BUGFIX: Ogong-Run fixed
BUGFIX: Disintegrating stone tablet spawns in the red woods

NEW: Event manager spawns on every channel

Kindly Regards,
Cymera staff
03/26/2017 01:33 ShockZx#544
Originally Posted by Aze /.. View Post
Ist Abitur echt so besonders? Schafft eh jeder Vollspacken der ansatzweise was im Unterricht blickt. Du studierst an ner richtigen Uni? Mensch, gehörst ja zu der Minderheit. Ich studiere ebenfalls und kassiere dafür noch gutes Gehalt, währenddessen andere nebenbei für ihr super Unistudium das Geld durch Arbeiten in einem Restaurant zusammenkratzen müssen.
Und trotzdem hängst du in der Metin2 Szene :D Bitte aufhören zu spamen..

Btw: Seit dem Update viel besser zum farmen.
03/26/2017 11:35 stoneliviu#545
Its a trash u make fast lvl , items are cheap , allredy in 2 days someone got lvl 105 .
Its a pay 2 win server.Ofc have much people but i give him ONE WEEK After will be ...0 ZERO with aloot of 0 . We start with bad things server got

1. Faster level , verry fast , in 2 days someone make lvl 105 (allredy we suppose in 3 4 5 days will be more players lvl 105 ,end of server when people get max lvl,right?)
2.Items, here exist magische metal,muschel (clams)drop at low metins stones u cant upgrade ther are maxim +3 (at begin was +4 who have +4 now its king)
3.Its a oldschool server , allright but when u put horse lvl 21 at beggin and all items +9 fro beggin its sucks. More sucks then this is lvl armurs lvl 34 u make from 15 bless +9 , so all equip its bam made.To easy guys,To easy , what to more?

And now to tell what i LOVE .
Much people,aloot of them , at start at server was 1000 + + + + (so over 1100 i think)
Nice staff, multi language.
And that's all what i can say,with a few words, in3 days u get 90% from what u want, try another server. Cheers,i want a oldschool with a anti exp ring, to can farm ! if someone have that, just send me a pm !
03/26/2017 12:30 Jumperm#546
Originally Posted by stoneliviu View Post
Its a trash u make fast lvl , items are cheap , allredy in 2 days someone got lvl 105 .
Its a pay 2 win server.Ofc have much people but i give him ONE WEEK After will be ...0 ZERO with aloot of 0 . We start with bad things server got

1. Faster level , verry fast , in 2 days someone make lvl 105 (allredy we suppose in 3 4 5 days will be more players lvl 105 ,end of server when people get max lvl,right?)
2.Items, here exist magische metal,muschel (clams)drop at low metins stones u cant upgrade ther are maxim +3 (at begin was +4 who have +4 now its king)
3.Its a oldschool server , allright but when u put horse lvl 21 at beggin and all items +9 fro beggin its sucks. More sucks then this is lvl armurs lvl 34 u make from 15 bless +9 , so all equip its bam made.To easy guys,To easy , what to more?

And now to tell what i LOVE .
Much people,aloot of them , at start at server was 1000 + + + + (so over 1100 i think)
Nice staff, multi language.
And that's all what i can say,with a few words, in3 days u get 90% from what u want, try another server. Cheers,i want a oldschool with a anti exp ring, to can farm ! if someone have that, just send me a pm !

EQ zum Farmen ist easy. Aber Highlevel EQ ist nicht easy genauso wie die Skills sehr hart sind ?
03/26/2017 13:35 .Soυzα#547
03/26/2017 14:20 IamLUV#548
Bekommt man wenn man mit mehreren Leuten in der Gruppe ist mehr EXP?
03/26/2017 14:23 .Kotbaer.#549
cooler server, 1000 Spieler gleichzeitig Online! Macht laune
03/26/2017 15:44 Տhun#550
Originally Posted by IamLUV View Post
Bekommt man wenn man mit mehreren Leuten in der Gruppe ist mehr EXP?
Hallo IamLUV,

bei uns bekommst du nicht mehr EXP wenn du in einer Gruppe bist.

03/26/2017 15:49 Vio.#551
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Trotz, dass der Server ohne Probleme läuft, ist unser Forum gut besucht !
Registriert Euch noch heute !
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Cymera2 Hype#
03/26/2017 16:11 I3lacktime#552
Originally Posted by stoneliviu View Post
Its a trash u make fast lvl , items are cheap , allredy in 2 days someone got lvl 105 .
Its a pay 2 win server.Ofc have much people but i give him ONE WEEK After will be ...0 ZERO with aloot of 0 . We start with bad things server got

1. Faster level , verry fast , in 2 days someone make lvl 105 (allredy we suppose in 3 4 5 days will be more players lvl 105 ,end of server when people get max lvl,right?)
2.Items, here exist magische metal,muschel (clams)drop at low metins stones u cant upgrade ther are maxim +3 (at begin was +4 who have +4 now its king)
3.Its a oldschool server , allright but when u put horse lvl 21 at beggin and all items +9 fro beggin its sucks. More sucks then this is lvl armurs lvl 34 u make from 15 bless +9 , so all equip its bam made.To easy guys,To easy , what to more?

And now to tell what i LOVE .
Much people,aloot of them , at start at server was 1000 + + + + (so over 1100 i think)
Nice staff, multi language.
And that's all what i can say,with a few words, in3 days u get 90% from what u want, try another server. Cheers,i want a oldschool with a anti exp ring, to can farm ! if someone have that, just send me a pm !
and ? they have no quests no items no skills and no +5 stones, nothing .
03/26/2017 16:13 .Soυzα#553
Liebe Cymerianer,
wir haben gerade 1043 User Online.
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Wer noch nicht angefangen hat zu spielen, hat noch die chance.
03/26/2017 16:20 Lemmli#554
Originally Posted by Vio. View Post
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Trotz, dass der Server ohne Probleme läuft, ist unser Forum gut besucht !
Registriert Euch noch heute !
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Cymera2 Hype#
Vio wo lungerst du eig überall rum? :D
03/26/2017 16:28 stoneliviu#555
Originally Posted by I3lacktime View Post
and ? they have no quests no items no skills and no +5 stones, nothing .

Stone +5 no,only +3 was when i play. and onestly? in 2 3 days u make all you want there , i mean level its easy, equip? if u pay real money its lel :) faster then u even can spell 'fast' . Like i say in my first post.Its verry populated. But the low thing , its to fast to make lvl , now its 2 people with 105 , and will be more. Like a deutsch from server say " its pay 2 win " like most of 90% from metins on this day " :) its verry nice server,but you make verry fast items (61 items or low) and people up so fast in lvl and in items. U will get bored in 2 days u dont have what to do. U get horse lvl 21, u get aloot of metins(that's goood) but its drop 2 fbs(i mean books but nvm) . This server is RUINED NOW . must be a complet wipe,restart and make more more more more ( and even a couple of more) lower experience. And must but materials for upgrade after level 30 . To be harder,and people dont get bored. That's my opinion !