Level 8, arena 5, 1650 trophy, want clash of clans account

02/28/2017 22:20 Obliege#1
Hey all,
i am looking to trade my Clash royale account for a clash of clans account, or a google play card.:pimp:
My clash royale account has:
Level 8
Arena 5- 1650 trophy
2k gold-will increase
0 gems
0 legendary
Quite decent levelled cards

I just want offers at this point, i preferably want a Clash of Clans account, but i would take a good play card as a offer!:mofo:
I can provide pictures of the account through a app called 'Line', we can exchange pictures there!
03/19/2017 19:30 jairososalara#2
I trade You for my clash of clans account
03/25/2017 23:53 .Captain'Levi™#3
what kinda clash of clans account are u looking for ?