Sapphire FlyFF buying item in the shop problem.

02/22/2017 09:09 pakinglalat#1
Hello guys so I am using Chyukasame's released web files(sapphire flyff v2). So I have already executed all of them queries from the 'sql' folder and yes I did receive some errors that the 'pk_rev3_something' object is already in the database. The 'pk_rev3_something' was a constraint I believe but I executed them all. My problem is that whenever I buy something in the shop. Choose charname and then click purchase and it gives me this error:
The script could not be executed:
This item could not be sent.
Then I looked at the code side. Then I got here:

It leads me to the last else statement from the both POST shopgift and itembuy I believe. What could be the problem? I am using the latest xampp version as of now and I am using mssql 2014 too. Please I need help so much with this.