Rappelz Awakening - Tiamat 6.2 is now live

01/26/2017 21:07 TheOnlyOneRaskim#151
Originally Posted by .Nexitis View Post

"@echo off
start SFrame.exe /auth_ip: /locale: country /use_nprotect:0 /cash /commercial_shop"

and safe it as a bat file as a temporary solution. People wont be able to vote but to play.

Or use Raskims "Votescript" in the new Launcher:

PHP Code:
        private void webBrowser1_Navigated(object senderWebBrowserNavigatedEventArgs e)
            if (
VOTING.control == && e.Url.ToString() == VOTING.next_url)
VOTING.control 1;
VOTING.next_url VOTING.default_url;
            else if (
VOTING.control == && e.Url.ToString() == VOTING.next_url)
VOTING.control 2;
VOTING.next_url "http://topofgames.com/";
            else if (
VOTING.control == && e.Url.ToString() == VOTING.next_url)
VOTING.control 3;
VOTING.next_url "http://topofgames.com/Rappelz/";
            else if (
VOTING.control == && e.Url.ToString() == VOTING.next_url)
base.DialogResult DialogResult.OK;
Haha hating me, but copieng my stuff. To stupid to perfom something on your own, hm?
01/26/2017 21:11 .Nexitis#152
Your knowledge is awesome but your character is a piece of shit sry ;)
01/26/2017 21:57 sixsixone#153
If you want to test a man's character, give him power, or in other words, admin powers, and you'll find the reason why we're having a 3rd wipe and not able to play at this given moment.
01/26/2017 22:34 xlapeto94#154
any info when the server will be up ?
01/26/2017 23:01 8ballx#155
Originally Posted by xlapeto94 View Post
any info when the server will be up ?
not today according to Charlie so go to sleep
01/27/2017 01:13 old school only#156
so i guess you gona delete everything xD and play from 0 or what,.!
01/27/2017 04:37 fyoule#157

Any Update pls i miss the server :(

I wish we can only login and play haha its my day off and its already 10:30 Pm :( maybe soon let's pray together haha
01/27/2017 10:13 Onesky30#158
The most funny that ppl spent hours to lvl up and they reset all .
Another thing , u SHOULD create facebook page group fot this server to put there news and infos about server situation and other stuffs. As always this private servers have a short life. But the servers admins dont know what is mean have a privatr server and what is mean COMMUNICATION.
01/27/2017 10:29 .Nexitis#159
Its not like they WANT to reset it but they NEED to. Thank the people abusing their rights to implement NPC's and bugs for their own advantage.
01/27/2017 12:22 Filipe2008#160
Saying it in advance, guys, dont even border responding to Raskim, dont give him the attention his requesting with child actions.Let him be, alone with his keyboard!

And if u want do something, well Report button is meant for something.
01/27/2017 12:24 Onesky30#161
So the server dead forever?
01/27/2017 12:41 .Nexitis#162
Originally Posted by Onesky30 View Post
So the server dead forever?
No, they are still trying to fix it.

Ignore Raskim, he lost every connection to reality.
01/27/2017 12:46 Dubsido#163
Originally Posted by .Nexitis View Post
No, they are still trying to fix it.

Ignore Raskim, he lost every connection to reality.

lmao, you killed him :DDD By the way do we have an information if the server would be running soon and is it gonna be security stable
Thanks in advance!
01/27/2017 12:52 Onesky30#164
Pls pls create Facebook page for the info ty.
01/27/2017 12:56 jpsraucher#165
Raskim du interessierst uns nicht ver*** einfach... red nicht von ehrlich du hast keine Sekunde ehrlich gespielt. Keiner bezweifelt deine Fähigkeiten, aber lieber warte ich auf einen Server ohne dich also je mals wieder mit dir zusammen zu spielen.

Und wenn du irgendwie dem neuen Server Schaden zufügst hat das Konsequenzen.