Selling EUW LoL account D3 MMR unranked for season 7

01/13/2017 10:31 vesun#1
All champs owned, all runes owned many icons as well that are unobtainable anymore


Dynasty Ahri
Unchained Alistar
Arctic Warfare Caitlyn
Siren Cassiopeia
Victorious Elise
Project Fiora
Sanguine Garen
Debonair Jayce
Firecracker Jinx
Traditional Karma
High Noon Yasuo
Scorched Earth Xerath
Riot Kayle
Judgement Kayle
Wicked Leblanc
Acolyte Lee sin
Bloodstone Lissandra
Imperial Lux
Spellthief Lux
Overlord Malzahar
Snow Day Malzahar
Victorious Maokai
PentaKill Mordekaiser
Sinful Succulence Morgana
Victorious Morgana
Koi Nami
Ravager Nocturne
Dragonblade Riven
Battlebunny Riven
Victorious Sivir
Guardian of the sands Scarner
Arcade Sona
Snowday Syndra
Astronaut teemo
Championship Thresh
Rocket Girl Tristana
Creator Viktor

Season 7 Solo Queue: Unranked (Diamond 3 MMR)
3v3: None
5v5: None
Season 6 Rewards: Diamond 3
Season 5 Rewards: Platinum 4
Season 4 Rewards: Platinum 4
Season 3 Rewards: Gold
Season 2 Rewards: Bronze
Season 1 Rewards: Bronze

Rune Pages: 20
Riot Points: 0
Influence Points: 2431

Server EUW

Skype: vesun_bg or write here