EUNE Plat border Dia 5 mmr 90 Champs Lots of skins

01/10/2017 14:42 Raz0rpeky#1
My personal lol account.
- Created in early 2013
- Lots of rare icons
- Plat 2 Solo Q in season 6
- Unranked in season 7 with no solo q games played
- 4 full rune pages
- High mmr
- 90 champs - pretty much every midlane champion is owned
- Skins: Blood moon yasuo, Project yasuo, Headless Hecarim, Wicked Leblanc, Pharaoh nidalee, Bewitching nidalee, Cassiopeia chroma skin, SKT lee sin, Fisherman fizz, Void fizz, Bladecraft orianna, Octoberfest gragas, Gragas esq, Atlantean Syndra, Justicar syndra, Zombie brand, Unchained alistar, Battlecast xerath, Striker ezreal, Riot Girl tristana, Championship thresh, Death blossom elise, Jack of hearts twisted fate, Haunted nocturne, Mighty jax, Jaximus, Medieval twitch, Bad santa veigar, Super Galaxy rumble, Infernal Nasus, Imperial xin zhao, Dreadkniht garen, Pool party ziggs, Mad scientist ziggs, Victorious maokai, Riot Kayle, Victorious morgana, Victorious sivir, Grey Warwick, Project Yi .
- 4100 ip
- 10 hextech chests and 2 key fragments

Contact via skype: raz0rpeky
Price 45 e
01/14/2017 13:24 t0migunit#2
still looking for a account like this - what is your last offer dude ?
01/16/2017 13:03 Raz0rpeky#3
add me on skype