Armbraces of Truth

01/10/2017 01:47 dullibulli#1
i would like to buy ~500 Armbraces of Truth.
i Pay 0,70 € ea.

I won't go first because i already got scammed.
It's possible to trade smaller amounts so its more ''trustfull'..
payment as gift via paypal.

pls add me on skype: xtasyyyyy1337

have a nice day :handsdown:
01/17/2017 19:38 Wigidy#2
u still want some armbrace?
02/01/2018 22:33 eightstar#3
Hello I sell armbraces 0.7€ pm skype: 0752887205
02/06/2018 10:38 doishase#4
got them PM