WTT on Cyripus

01/16/2010 09:52 ti3stoflight#16
bump it up, come on people
01/17/2010 17:42 hexer123#17
<::::Bump::::> for good guy^^
01/17/2010 20:56 Gary_Nexus#18
pm sent :)
01/19/2010 12:59 c28#19
bump up up xDD
01/19/2010 18:32 ti3stoflight#20
thanks mate, another bump... still for sale, somebody buy please ;)
01/19/2010 21:16 Justino0o0o0#21
Bump! Good guy & honest! nice doing much buisness with u Tist :D
01/22/2010 21:24 ti3stoflight#22
bump items for sale are on hold due to the fact my pc is being repaired, also willing to trade the accounts for uniques.. looking for Blode, Shuta or Kark
01/30/2010 14:40 <†>Minera<†>#23
01/30/2010 21:28 Justino0o0o0#24
Hey Tist i offer 60$ US for the biglos + kark.. if u still got it. Weve done many trades before so shouldnt be a problem if you are interested :P
01/31/2010 13:00 cyripuskay#25
bump for you
01/31/2010 13:23 ti3stoflight#26
#close please all sold