Looking for a cheap coach.

09/15/2016 13:46 MaJest1K#1
PM me prices, positions u can coach & your main rank.
09/15/2016 14:00 PADDI_4_BOT#2
i have 3 Booster who can coach you they are all Dia 1 or Master. Pm me with infos what is your main roll and other things
09/15/2016 14:06 sandbagaylmao#3

Jungle adc and support and i'm main d2/d1.
09/15/2016 14:27 *AK*#4
Plat 2 Adc
09/15/2016 14:29 todelu#5
12e / hour
Jungle / Mid
09/15/2016 14:37 Salty#6

check our boosting/coaching shop on sign
09/18/2016 19:47 Beyyj#7
3eu/Hour, Challanger peak, was mostly master 200lp +-
Add me on skype: ttecktonikss
I'l need to know specifics.