auto use of meditation&spirit healing&dc&fc

09/07/2005 10:40 GiYo#1

what it does is:

i) check if you have stamina (no: iv / yes: ii)
ii) check if you need hp/mana (no: iv / yes: iii)
iii) press medi_key ... in script F1 ... put medi or spirit healing there
iv) sleep for a while
AC tool script by GiYo from - for Conquer online

SetActiveWindow [Conquer]
delay 1000

 medi_key = {F1}  // put medi or spirit healing or pots here
 hp_pot_key = {F9} // not used at all
 this is intentionally incorrect so it sometimes sends F1 even if low mana ... this way
 it's error prone thus more human like
 stam_coord_x = 44 
 stam_coord_y = 689
- adjust y to fit your needs (it defines how soon F1 is sent)
- if you want to use hp pots for tao you should set x to 40 or so
- to use both hp and sp for tao you need to duplicate the inner load rgb with hp coords
- to use pots instead of stamina skill you need to remove the first load/if part
 stam_mana_coord_x = 55
 stam_mana_coord_y = 698

while 1 = 1
IsWindow [Conquer] 
 LoadRGB $stam_mana_coord_x, $stam_mana_coord_y
 if {RGBBlue}> 130 // do we need a bit of mana to maximixe medi use
  LoadRGB $stam_coord_x, $stam_coord_y
  if {RGBGreen}< 120 // we have stamina   
   Keys $medi_key
   delay 1 sec   

 delay 5 sec
this is a snipset of code. the more "advanced" (as if) version checks if you have stamina and uses skill, if you don't it uses potion.

you can extract it from my firecircle macro (posting shortly after this post)

here is a snipset that will dc you on low hp. it's made for non-tao use who uses coloader
   LoadRGB $hp_x_dc, $hp_y_dc
  if {RGBBlue}> 99
   Keys $dc_key
where dc_key = ^T and x and y coords are similar to the earlyer example. just increase y ;)

i intentionally posted only one working example with lots of space (and tips) for improvements. if you merge this with my fc macro (or better strip down fc macro and add dc option, but scroll before dc) you get nice GW helper

@mods: someone could grammar check / proof this, i don't have spellcheck handy. otherwise i will edit this post later
09/07/2005 10:44 GiYo#2
the fc script:

you will need to change a thing or two to optimize this for your tao. thisone works nicely for tao that's just got to the point where baz does 1 dam

SetActiveWindow [Conquer]
delay 1000

 sit_down = 0 // gets set to 1 when no mana pots
 sit_key = {F10}
 medi_key = {F1}
 mana_pot_key = {F4}
 hp_pot_key = {F9}
 spell_key = {F9}
 // coords
 hp_coord_x = 37
 hp_coord_y = 738
 stam_coord_x = 44
 stam_coord_y = 689
 stam_mana_coord_x = 55
 stam_mana_coord_y = 698

 mana_coord_x = 55
 mana_coord_y = 738

loop 1000

 LoadRGB $stam_mana_coord_x, $stam_mana_coord_y
 if {RGBBlue}> 130 // do we need a bit of mana to maximixe medi use
  LoadRGB $stam_coord_x, $stam_coord_y
  if {RGBGreen}< 120 // we have stamina
   Keys $medi_key
   delay 1 sec   

 LoadRGB $hp_coord_x, $hp_coord_y
 if {RGBRed}< 140 // we need healing
  Keys $hp_pot_key
 LoadRGB $mana_coord_x, $mana_coord_y
 if {RGBBlue}> 130 // we need mana
  LoadRGB $stam_coord_x, $stam_coord_y
  if {RGBGreen}> 120 // we need stamina too, we're screwed  
   if $sit_down = 1 // only sit if you were told to sit or if we figure that we run out of pots
    delay 20 sec
    Keys $medi_key
    Keys $mana_pot_key
   Keys $medi_key
  delay 1 sec
// Keys $spell_key
 delay 3000 
remove the blasting part, adjust delay, add teleport and dc part from first post in thread and you have gw potter ;)

most comments from 1st post in the thread are applicable
09/07/2005 10:51 GiYo#3
This will stand still and level about any spell you can think of.

I DO NOT RECOMEND THIS SCRIPT since it does not work very fast. Try Lowfyr's first. If you want flexibility work on this ;)

However, if you want to level nado let's say on basi and want greater customization then you have in boss's bot this will work. even better when you remove the precise seeks (first few) and only leave broadscan.

Again, do not bother commenting too much on this (flaming that is). If you feel like commenting, tell me how to find mobs efficiently. (yes i'll have a look at scar and autoit soon. autoit more then scar, i think)

AC tool script for taos by GiYo from
SetActiveWindow [Conquer]
delay 1000

 sit_down = 1 // gets set to 1 when no mana pots
 sit_key = {F10}
 medi_key = {F1}
 mana_pot_key = {F9}
 hp_pot_key = {F9}
 spell_key = {F2}
 // coords
 hp_coord_x = 37
 hp_coord_y = 738
 stam_coord_x = 44
 stam_coord_y = 689
 mana_coord_x = 55
 mana_coord_y = 738
 stam_mana_coord_x = 55
 stam_mana_coord_y = 698
 // obj seeking
 x_os = 0
 y_os = 0
 found_one = 0
 my_xy = 0,0
 // "around me"
 top_x = 320
 top_y = 210
 bottom_x = 680
 bottom_y = 340
 i = 0

loop 10000
 LoadRGB $stam_mana_coord_x, $stam_mana_coord_y
 if {RGBBlue}> 130 // do we need a bit of mana to maximixe medi use
  LoadRGB $stam_coord_x, $stam_coord_y
  if {RGBGreen}< 120 // we have stamina
   Keys $medi_key
   delay 1 sec
   Keys $spell_key
   MousePos $x_os,$y_os
 LoadRGB $hp_coord_x, $hp_coord_y
 if {RGBRed}< 140 // we need healing
  Keys $hp_pot_key
 LoadRGB $mana_coord_x, $mana_coord_y
 if {RGBBlue}> 130 // we need mana
  LoadRGB $stam_coord_x, $stam_coord_y
  if {RGBGreen}> 120 // we need stamina too, we're screwed
   if $sit_down = 1 // only sit if you were told to sit or if we figure that we run out of pots
    delay 5 sec
    Keys $medi_key
    Keys $mana_pot_key
   Keys $medi_key
  delay 1 sec
 setconst $found_one = 0
 Call SeekMob $top_x, $top_y, $bottom_x, $bottom_y, 15, 3, 0, 3
 if $found_one < 5 // we didn't do anything last scan - do broad scan
  Call SeekMob $top_x, $top_y, $bottom_x, $bottom_y, 10, 4, 0, 3
 if $found_one < 5 // we didn't do anything last scan - do broad scan
  Call SeekMob $top_x, $top_y, $bottom_x, $bottom_y, 5, 4, 0, 3
 if $found_one < 5 // we didn't do anything last scan - do broad scan
  Call SeekMob 10, 10, 1020, 620, 10, 10, 0, 3
 if $found_one < 5 // we didn't do anything last scan - do broad scan
  Call SeekMob 5, 5, 1020, 620, 10, 10, 0, 3
 if $found_one < 5 // we didn't do anything last scan - do broad scan
  Call SeekMob 2, 2, 1020, 620, 40, 4, 1, 3
 if $found_one < 5 // we didn't do anything last scan - do broad scan
  Call SeekMob 350, 190, 620, 320, 3, 3, 1, 3


Procedure SeekMob using min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, x_res, y_res, show_mouse, sleep_time
 setconst $found_one = 0
 setconst $y_os = $min_y
 SetConst found_one=0
 while $y_os< $max_y and $found_one <4
  Compute y_os = $y_os+$y_res
  setconst $x_os = $min_y
  while $x_os<$max_x and $found_one <4
   Compute x_os = $x_os+$x_res
   if $show_mouse = 1
    MousePos $x_os,$y_os
   LoadRGB $x_os, $y_os
   if {RGBRED} = 184 and {RGBGreen} = 3 and {RGBBlue} = 3 // this is hp bar
    SetConst found_one= 5
    Keys $spell_key
    MousePos $x_os,$y_os
    delay $sleep_time sec
 end // while $y_os< $bottom_y and $found_one <4
feel free to nodify this. please don't credit yourself for this. Keep in mind, I'm new to all this ;) See the comments from first 2 posts in this thread.
09/10/2005 09:42 korniks#4
hey giyo nice work but i have a question the script for fc which is the sit command doesn't seem to work.. i have the sit action on f10 and i have no more mana.. and no pots and it doesn't wanna sit at all. that's all i wanna ask btw +karma for u
09/12/2005 13:42 GiYo#5
true, i disabled the sit key as it seemed to do more bad then good. i guess it depends no how you use it.

i'm at work now so i can't fully change this but let's see:

change from:
loop 1000

 LoadRGB $stam_mana_coord_x, $stam_mana_coord_y
 if {RGBBlue}> 130 // do we need a bit of mana to maximixe medi use
  LoadRGB $stam_coord_x, $stam_coord_y
  if {RGBGreen}< 120 // we have stamina
   Keys $medi_key
   delay 1 sec   
loop 1000

 LoadRGB $stam_mana_coord_x, $stam_mana_coord_y
 if {RGBBlue}> 130 // do we need a bit of mana to maximixe medi use
  LoadRGB $stam_coord_x, $stam_coord_y
  if {RGBGreen}< 120 // we have stamina
   Keys $medi_key
   delay 1 sec   
   Keys $sit_key
   delay 10 sec     
this way it will sit for 10 sec. if it has no mana. this is not optimal but it does the trick. i think full mana regen is 20 sec so you have reasonable good chance that you won't wait too long.

on a side-note, fc filled by medi is slllllooowww - use pots as base and medi when stamina recharges.

hth. i'll get back to you on this later

the actual solution is:
   if $sit_down = 1 // only sit if you were told to sit or if we figure that we run out of pots
    Keys $sit_key  // <---------------------------- this line was added. ignore the other fix.
    delay 20 sec
    Keys $medi_key
Means you need to add "Keys $sit_key" before 20 sec delay. again, if you get hit by monster while sitting stamina will drop. i do nto recomend sitting in the middle of the mobs, unless you're under stack. to use this you need to change
sit_down = 0 // gets set to 1 when no mana pots
to 1 too (means sit_down = 1)

i'll be releasing multi clients miner soon, after that i'll release "better" (tho same functionality?) fc macro, in autoit 3. but this should do for now. let me know if you need any other change.

take care
09/12/2005 14:17 ultimatedestroyer#6
Hmm triple post..-.-
09/12/2005 20:52 GiYo#7
basically those are 3 differnt scripts but i figured they could all be put into one thread since they are related (AC Tool) and one can complement another. so i could also put each in each thread. i'm not hunting post-count, if i would i would say "oh nice <insert here>" in every other post ;)

11/14/2009 20:31 §uperfreak#8
Woah works Perfectly
11/19/2009 10:57 Die Schnittstelle#9
do not bump up old threads!