Selling lots of meds/armors/ammo!! Really Cheap! (Shattered Skies)

08/15/2016 00:29 ZomBeastMode#1
10 : Yellow/Legendary Reactor Armors = $2.50 Each
15 : Blue/Elite Reactor Armors = $1.00 Each
Ammo Type : 5.56
AP : 3000 = $5 per 1k
HP : 3000 = $7.50 per 1k
FMJ : 3000 = $10 per 1k

Ammo Type : 9mm
AP : 2500 = $3 per 1k
HP : 2500 = $5 per 1k
FMJ : 2500 = $7.50 per 1k

Ammo Type : .45
AP : 3000 = $3 per 1k
HP : 3000 = $5 per 1k
FMJ : 3000 = $7.50 per 1k

Ammo Type : Sniper
7.62 Sniper : 500 = $10 per 100
M.I.L. Med Kits : 250 = $.09 per

C.I.V. Med Kits : 150 = $.05 per
I only accept PayPal - Family and Friends + A note saying "Im paying for virtual items and I will not chargeback!"
Currently I do not have rep towards the forums but I will still NOT go first unless you have 25+ rep and are a trusted person!!
I am very new to this so trading site so I am unclear about everything and I understand the prices a little but If they are a little too overpriced I am willing to negotiate!
If you are looking for any cosmetics and would like to ask me if I have any you need, I do have a few cosmetics stored up in the GI!
I use discord if you want to talk there also!