KarosGame Paladin Exploit

12/27/2009 17:04 ntKid#1
This is how you can play a Paladin(wich is not available) right now in Karos.

BTW is sad that they want bug testers for the open beta and then they ban ppl for finding bugs, anyhow here it is, you can patch now.

Our Modified Function C sintax

VOID (__stdcall* pPaladin)();
__declspec(naked) VOID myPaladin(ULONG bPointer)
		mov bPointer,ecx;
		mov [esp+0Ch+dword ptr 4],03h;
		mov ecx,bPointer;
		jmp [pPaladin];
Call the detour Once Somewhere...
pPaladin = (VOID(__stdcall*)())\
After setting ur detour go and create a caracter, press any caracter the result will always be paladin...

You can also grab the boon/leecher way using cheat engine bellow.

If you use this on your hack credit me and gamedeception.(This is kind of useless since i know none respects but i still have litle hope).
01/02/2010 11:53 amahones#2
Do u know any other cheats or hacks? Which i can do in Turkish Server?