Selling Gold III account 38 skins 121 Champs 3 Rpages

06/28/2016 19:36 lovethisperson#1
Selling my main account ~20 skins with 975 RP+ cost(DJ sona and some legendaries too),3 Rune Pages,10 champions NOT OWNED,Sailor gangplank,TPA ezreal skin shards and a chest,Jhin and cassiopeia mastery 6,PAYPAL ONLY
starting at 150 euros,i really put alot of work in this account and i know i will regret selling it but i really need money at the moment.comes with original email tho
06/28/2016 19:49 Cheap Accounts yay#2
06/28/2016 21:39 lovethisperson#3
skype: besomerso
06/28/2016 21:47 Finesser#4
150 EUR are you crazy?
06/28/2016 22:16 lovethisperson#5
i've paid more than 500 euros in this account plus its not like a regular 30lvl account with some champions on it,plus i can reduce the price if u are buying