WoW Account

06/24/2016 17:20 leequit1#1
i am selling my account cuz i also sell my pc - quit playing games with my heart.

German Server1:
rogue 100 (all useable legendarys) many materials in bank,
itemlvl 708 for 3 speccs and pvp 700, many sets to transmog, ~ 70 gold
full professions, also seconds professions like fishing first aid and archy cook
one arena mount, main char for 3 years mostly pve
warrior 100 (tank and furygear and some ms stuff)
itemlvl 703 full first and second professions like aid archy and fishing cook
druid 100 (3 specc geared and pvp)
itemlvl 681 (full professiones and first aid and fishing
mage 94 boosted

German Server2:
priest 100 (only heal gear professions made a to 600)
itemlvl 708, boosted with legion
hunter 100 (lil bit professions made got stuff and own guild)
itemlvl 670 some nice pets ~80k gold on server

achievmentpoints: 14835 , rbg 1500,
mounts: 159 ,many rar mounts like lifebinder, krokron wulf, chopper, etc..
pets: 381 ,10 or more at lvl 25 some collector editions and other rars

and many more...:bandit:
for a good offer i give u an second account i played with the same things just 3 or 4 90īs on the account.. i really quit with wow and other pc stuff so this in an good offer for u. :pimp:

i sell the whole account not only the wow account
06/29/2016 16:00 leequit1#2

make me an offer.. also can trade