NA | 100 Champions | 79 Skins | Victorious s3-s5 | CS Thresh | Ultimate skins | SSW

06/24/2016 15:10 GosuShop#1
I want to sell League of Legends Account:

- NA server
- Gold I (s5 Gold)
- 84 RP
- 5.8k IP
- 10 Rune pages
- 100 Champions
- 79 Skins
- Rare:
Victorious Elise (s3 Gold+)
Victorious Morgana (s4 Gold+)
Victorious Sivir (s5 Gols+)
Championship Thresh
Spirit Guard Udyr (Ultimate Skin)
Primal Udyr
Pulsefire Ezreal (Ultimate Skin)
Queen Ashe
Hot Rod Corki
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
Judgement Kayle
Dragon Fist Lee Sin
SSW Talon
Firefighter Tristana
Vandal Vladimir
Viscero Xin Zhao

​Price: $75 (Accept Paypal or Skrill)
Skype: GosuShop