BJX automarketrepair in Ape City

08/23/2005 13:02 Alv#1
It doesn't seem to be working, it doesn't teleport to the market, teleports to the vortex to tc.
Anyone else has this problem?
08/23/2005 13:49 Bountey#2
ok do this,U get the money enough to repair and u get the scolls to ape city before u run BJX,it should work by then.
08/23/2005 15:29 Alv#3
I will try that, thanks!
08/23/2005 16:04 ultimatedestroyer#4
Please DONT post questions in this forum in future.
08/23/2005 19:28 Murk123#5
Everyone learns from asking questions.
08/23/2005 19:29 Murk123#6
Post number 2 to change your karma cus i no it will piss u off.
08/24/2005 11:46 ultimatedestroyer#7
It says quite clearly not to post in this forum, if your to stupid to see that and actually defend against it then you must be more stupid then first meets the eye.