WTS Overwatch Game (Blizzard Account) [Used] You get whatever is on the account

05/25/2016 15:53 slayer_gtfo#1
Hi all,

I purchased overwatch yesterday and it was not my forte. Disappointed by the blizzard return policies, I turn to you all!

Included on my blizzard account is:
-Overwatch game (installed and then uninstalled)
-Hearthstone (pretty basic, think I only played ~10 hours)
-WoW account with a couple 90s (did not play Legion, but played some Draenor)
-Beginner Hots account (worthless)

Would like to sell it all for $40 USD. Open to Steamwallet, but would prefer paypal or canadian e-transfer.

I will be keeping my eye on this post all day so let me know if you are interested!
05/28/2016 11:50 JamesIsHunky#2
im interested add my steam BrainyJess<3