WTB gold 3 to plat 5 EUW 50 LP (Good MMR)

04/25/2016 20:31 DPMO#1
WTB a quick boost like really quick one ASAP. Prefer role : mid/top , i dont have a lot of champion ali,amumu,annie,ashe,corki,ezreal,garen,gragas,hei mer,jayce,kayle,maplhite,yi,nunu,olaf,riven,ryze,s hyvana,sivir,soraka,teemo,tristana,tf,ww and yasuo

prefer the booster to play ryze/riven/yasuo but is ok is gotta win can play other champs xd

update me now!
04/25/2016 20:36 rui1233#2
55 euro paypal, ex.ave
04/25/2016 20:41 TommyPz#3
35 euro
Skype :tomciopuzio
04/25/2016 20:44 BeastMasterSSS#4
40 e add me skype can start now done in 2 days id : beastmastersss
04/25/2016 20:45 ReallyNiceGuy#5
48€, starting right now, finishing in a little more than a day! :)

Click my signature to add me on skype!
04/25/2016 20:46 Hupra#6
35€ can start now buddy.

skype: hupra.eloboost
04/25/2016 20:46 S7eR7n#7
Good evening, can help you out with that .Job will be done in no time and starting asap
skype : xaocc2121
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Best Regards
04/25/2016 20:50 Ex7rEmE#8
You are gold3 50 lp or need boost to plat5 50 lp?

40 euro

Skype : wnhweather
04/25/2016 20:58 BadAssBoost#9
30E skype: badassboost
04/25/2016 20:58 Spirit Guard#10
Hello! We can do it for 40 euro starting immediately!

Skype: spiritguardlol
04/25/2016 20:59 Pr0llyBronzeBoost#11
04/25/2016 21:51 XmegamanX#12
04/25/2016 22:06 Kingwood#13
Hey buddy, I can do that without any problems - top / mid main. 30 Euro, will start tonight and you will probably have to tomorrow in the evening
04/25/2016 22:12 Sidboost#14
30 euro done by challenger player . skype - sidboost

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04/25/2016 22:22 Luliba#15
36 euros.