[PSC]EUW Bronze/Unranked Account

03/28/2016 16:05 Ray Zero#1
i'd like to buy a bronze/unranked account.
  • Unranked/Bronze
  • AD/AP runes or over 12k IP
  • EUW

I'm only willing to pay 25 CHF PaysafeCard (=22,92 EUR).
Even if the account is (as an example) 14 EUR worth, i'm gonna pay 23 EUR in total, you can keep the rest, as compensation.

- MH
03/28/2016 16:06 Tootus#2
Sent skype request-
03/28/2016 19:10 liqqq#3
33K IP + 400 RP account.
Have some more cheap ones with champions and some runes skins if interested.

Contact me if interested via PM or via Skype.

My Skype is : deleteyourskype.comm