DuoQ Boost (Gold elo)

03/27/2016 22:25 Jeroen_Scheur#1
Currently Gold 2, looking for a booster that can duo right now.
I want to get gold 1, currently 51LP and gaining 25-26LP per game (or so i did last 2 games).
So it should only be 4-5 games (if all wins ofc).

It's on EUW, I would want to play right now.
If you bring 2 elo boosters I am willing to pay extra for that, yet it should make your job easier aswell ;).

Will pay trough paypal and i want trusted people, so make sure u at least have trusted vouches.

PM me or post prices here and I will contact you either in PM or on skype.
03/27/2016 22:28 rui1233#2
12 euro, ex.ave
03/27/2016 22:28 Jeroen_Scheur#3
Ohh and I was plat last season so shouldn't be to much of a trouble.
03/27/2016 22:29 Tootus#4
Skype: kurililina , 100% winrate
03/27/2016 22:32 ReallyNiceGuy#5
11 euro! :)

Skype: helpful.man2
03/27/2016 22:39 BeastMasterSSS#6
can help you out right now add me skype beastmastersss
03/27/2016 22:42 Luliba#7
We are 2 boosters, playing RN. add shanonsa on skype. (one of them is a trusted one from CG3, a french forum, but I'm new here. You could give us a try.)
03/27/2016 22:47 TheGodRealm#8
10 euro ^^
03/27/2016 22:51 OneSILVER#9
9€ done by challenger booster
03/28/2016 11:33 Ex7rEmE#10
10 euro

Skype : wnhweather
03/28/2016 13:32 dsr 1338#11
cheaper, add on skype
03/28/2016 13:45 Hupra#12
10€ can start instant.

Skype: hupra.eloboost
03/28/2016 13:51 Rajevosa#13
03/28/2016 15:26 Gamestore.#14
22euro PayPal
by Master
Skype - jeniadehtiar
03/28/2016 15:31 milchkuh98#15
Hey bradaa 8€: skype : elo.boostereuw start now^^