
12/20/2009 03:39 bigheaddd1#1
jemand erzählte mir von einem Bot, der auf aion unendliche bitte

12/20/2009 04:16 Wodka#2
haha epic fail
12/20/2009 12:20 bigheaddd1#3
antwortet nicht meine Frage ^ ^
12/20/2009 15:28 YoniNeedHacks#4
You are Wierd .
hope its good cuz i used google translate XD
12/20/2009 19:53 poeser_junge#5
aha und was willst du uns genau mitteilen?
12/20/2009 20:37 Pexus#6
I just translated it back with Google Translator...
"someone told me about a bot, please visit the aion infinite"

So i put "aion infinite" in Google.
Seems to be a Aion private server.

So he's looking for an Aion p server bot. (i think)