[WTS] [EUNE] Level 30 UFO Corki and 65 more skins!

03/06/2016 17:42 Whysoseirouz#1
General Information:

Server: EUNE
Level: 30
Rank: Unranked
Rank HISTORY: Season - 1 Bronze, Season - 2 Gold,Season -3 Gold,Season -4 Platinum,Season -5 Diamond
IP: 6300
RP: 163
Champion #: 120
Skin #: 63
Ultimate skins:Pulsfire ezrael,Spirit guard udyr,Zombie brand
Rune Pages: 7

Rank Skin Rewards:

Championship Thresh
Victorious Elise
Victorious Janna
Victorious Morgana
Victorious Sivir

Special Skins:

UFO Corki
Riot Graves

I am the first owner of this account,never hacked,banned or anything like that.
Price is negotiable
Contact:PM or Skype:Ilpwnyou1
03/06/2016 17:47 Xeoooooo#2
03/06/2016 18:14 crazyjames#3
Season 5 rewards? u said its got victorious sivir so somewhere above gold but u said gold in season 1 which is victorious Jarvan but isnt listed...?
03/06/2016 18:42 Whysoseirouz#4
My bad,it's changed now.
03/17/2016 22:31 NoInnocenceLeft#5
Hi. Do you have Riot Kayle on this account?